
Thank you for choosing BellaLuxx to consign your designer handbag and accessories! We gladly accept AUTHENTIC, new, and gently worn items from the high-end brands listed below: Hermes, Chanel, Dior, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci, Fendi, Valentino, MCM, Celine, Givenchy, YSL, etc.

Before completing the consignment application, please review the following information:

We are always seeking the finest-conditioned items to feature in our online store, including men's items! Here's how our consignment process works:

You can submit photos of your item(s) by emailing them to Please ensure that the photos include clear shots of date codes and heat stamps. Clients are responsible for shipping their items to our designated address.

Selling approach: Upon receiving your items, it typically takes 1-2 weeks for us to authenticate and process them for our website. We invest time in capturing professional product photos, videos, outdoor photography, styled photos, and on-the-body modeling. We handle the proper unpacking and safe storage of items throughout the consignment period.

Returned consignment: We strive to accept only items that we believe will sell quickly. If an item exhibits excessive wear or damage, we will respectfully decline or return it to you. In the event that an item is proven to be counterfeit, we will dispose of it on your behalf.

We kindly request that you commit to consigning with us for a minimum of 3 months. If, after 30 days, the item has not sold, you may request its return at your expense. Alternatively, we will adjust the price with the intention of facilitating a quick sale. A $150 fee will be applied if this return request is made before the 90-day period to cover the time spent photographing and marketing the item.

Payment: For sold items, we will provide payment via PayPal family/friends or bank transfer within 7 business days. Other payment options may include a mailed check, Cash App, Venmo, or Zelle. We will establish a contract to protect both the buyer and the seller. Please refer to our terms and conditions for further information.

Please note that we do not accept clothing, jewelry, or shoes at this time.

Thank you for considering consigning with BellaLuxx. We look forward to working with you and showcasing your luxury items to our discerning clientele.


  1. The CONSIGNOR authorizes the CONSIGNEE to sell all consigned items.
  2. All LUXURY items must be clean and ready to sell.
  3. Any items that cannot be verified as authentic will be returned to the CONSIGNOR or donated at the request of the CONSIGNOR.
  4. CONSIGNEE may consult regarding pricing, but final selling price will be set by Bellaluxxlic.
  5. Once an item has sold, the CONSIGNEE'S account is credited for a period of 24-72 hours. Depending on the platform sold the credit can be issued sooner or later. The CONSIGNOR will earn 70% of the sales and the CONSIGNEE will collect the remaining 30%.
  6. The CONSIGNOR will pay authentication for each item unless proof of authenticity is already provided.There will be a fee of $20-$35 per item.
  7. THE CONSIGNOR may withdraw an item at any time with ten (10) days' notice. Items will be consigned for a period of 90 days. If an item is not sold after the 90-day period, the CONSIGNOR may request items to be returned free of shipping. The CONSIGNOR can choose to reissue another contract for another 90 days agreement. If THE CONSIGNOR recommits to additional 90 days agreement items from prior agreement will be discounted 20% in sale value. All remaining percentages will remain in place.
  8. THE CONSIGNOR must ship items to the CONSIGNEE providing a tracking number and required Signature. Also, value insurance must be added to the items being sent. THE CONSIGNOR can choose for the CONSIGNEE to send a prepaid label, which that prepaid label will be discounted by the CONSIGNOR 70% after sale payment. If items do not sell and the CONSIGNOR request items to be returned after 90-day period at that point the CONSIGNOR must pay for the initial prepaid label.
  9. Appraised items removed before ginety (90) days will be charged an appraisal fee.
  10. The CONSIGNEE shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage to consigned items during the shipping process. All items must be insured with monetary value amount.
  11. Form of payment will be via, Visa, Zelle OR CHECK.
  12. This guideline contains the entire agreement between the CONSIGNOR and the CONSIGNEE and may not be modified unless in writing and signed by both CONSIGNOR and CONSIGNEE.